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Americas Most Dangerous Stalker - Vetta Marie Thompson

by RDM Staff

This deranged woman with the help of David "Guru" & Melinda Graham is currently after every Real Deal Media cast member and viewer. She claimed to be a whistleblower in 2021 to grab the attention of RDM in hopes of getting close to each and everyone one on the team, especially Dean Ryan.

Vetta Thompson, who has a long criminal history of kidnapping, alcoholism, stalking and mental illness, to name but a few is now showing her true objective, "Taking Down Real Deal Media".

This woman, with the help of other known adversaries, is responsible for the censorship of RDM shows and viewer comments. Alongside multiple sock puppet accounts on Facebook and YouTube, Vetta Thompson has dedicated every hour of her being to create Public Pages & Groups on Facebook with the objective to defame Dean Ryan, Lisa Duthie & other castmates as well as slandering RDM Viewers by posting their photos as well.

-More to come on this developing story regarding America's Most Dangerous Stalker The Following pictorial timeline will show the crimes of the self-proclaimed "Game Master".

The "Game Master"

Vetta Thompson's taunting of Dean Ryan (October 6th 2021)
The last correspondence she had before Doxxing Dean Ryan owner of Real Deal Media (March 28th 2022)
Vetta Thompson's never ending messages to Dean Ryan marriage proposals - psycho-babble - Bathroom selfies

Bathroom selfies sent to dean ryan


DAVID 'Guru' Graham encouraging Vetta Thompson aka thompson marie to take out rdm

Vetta Thompson - comes clean - APRIL 2022


Vetta Thompson's Nephew Vinny Thompson reveals insight into his troubled aunt's mental state

An Open Letter to Vetta Marie Thompson,


We are writing you here for two reasons - Firstly because we blocked your multiple sock puppet accounts in 2021 when your crazy behavior began and you were writing RDM pretending to be multiple family members, claiming you had killed yourself. (before you unfortunately rose from the dead in March 2022 to plague the lives of everyone here) And secondly because if we post it on Facebook you and your merry band of sock puppets will just have it removed by mass reporting it.

Firstly, as you know on Wednesday the 27th of April you joined Dean, Lisa, Jamie, Danielle & JS Pop backstage in Streamyard after a show and you were a sobbing drunk mess full of apologies for the crazy lies you had been posting about all of us over the internet. (your words not ours)

During this conversation you told us multiple times you were sorry and claimed that Elizabeth Corneau & David and Melinda Graham were directing you on what to say and do in order to attack and take down Real Deal Media. You claimed you had changed your mind because you had seen evidence that the Australians were involved in a pedophile ring and had thus realized the error of your ways. (Disclaimer: RDM cannot confirm nor deny the validity of Vetta claims about the Australians being involved in pedophile rings, these are not our words or thoughts we are just repeating her statement made to us as to why she had changed her mind; albeit temporarily)

Because of your obsession with Dean it was decided it was not appropriate for him to mediate the situation with you thus Detective Cagney was appointed a moderator between you and RDM & here is the email you sent Detective Cagney after that Streamyard conversation..

You even sent us screenshots of David & Melinda directing you what to do; here's a sample of what you provided us...

During this conversation you promised to remove all of the lies you had posted on their command and in return we told you that as a gesture of goodwill we would then remove the section about you in Deception, Hypocrisy & Lies and would also not go forward with the legal action against you which was already scheduled to do the following Wednesday when Lisa & Jamie spoke to a Detective with the Metropolitan Police in the UK.

You failed to do anything that you said you would and have instead amped up your delusional allegations and quite frankly vile allegations all over your pages and groups. At this stage this is not Elizabeth Corneau, David Graham or Melinda Graham who is responsible Vetta, YOU are wholly responsible for your own behavior and crimes.

We as a staff have not visited your crazy page, and frankly nor do we care to, but we have a large loyal audience who frequently send us screenshots of the bizarre rants you post on there, all of which were handed over to the police on Wednesday the 4th May (and continue to be) A FULL WEEK after you promised to remove your delusional page (which is a 2 second task) so we were more than generous with the time given, especially so given the case that you managed to go on their every day during that week and continue to post your delusions.

Also FYI the UK police have confirmed you are indeed committing at least one crime, Malicious Communication, RDM has a crime number and we now will be coordinating with the police in the United States to get you held accountable for that crime and any others that you commit every time you go on social media and start typing your disgusting delusions. (The police are watching and collecting every post as evidence)

We do not know you Vetta, and nor do we care to, you obviously have some serious mental health problems and paranoia issues and require immediate help, We could almost pity you for that if you weren’t being such a malicious, delusional twisted drunk and stalking the hell out of us and our audience.

This craziness with you all started because YOU decided Real Deal Media crushed your story, Yet YOU have admitted that was false multiple times now and said Real Deal Media was NEVER doing your story.

Here's just one example (of many) from text messages you sent Dean Ryan on April 1st - in case you have forgot because you are clearly confused on this issue...

We ALL know what this is really about; it is your unrelenting obsession with Dean Ryan, this became very evident that for a few days after the conversation on the 27th of April it became apparent that you were not going to do any of the things you promised and were only obsessively focused on having conversations with Dean in Streamyard - therefore Dean blocked you because he was not willing to do this… and bang on cue you began posting your delusions AGAIN, and again claiming that the photoshopped nude of Dean you are posting online is real, which we all know is a both a lie and hugely creepy that you would even create such a thing. It's sick.

Nobody is after you Vetta,

Nobody is stalking you Vetta,

And quite frankly nobody cares about you, we ALL just want you to go away.

Spoiler alert YOU are the stalker, go and get yourself the help you desperately require, instead of spending your life meticulously watching RDM videos looking for the perfect millisecond to take a screenshot of us to share on your little page so you can call us Demons whilst continuously posting your fairytales all over social media.

If we are that evil simply stop watching our shows and get on with whatever semblance of a life you have left after you have accused anyone and everyone you ever come into contact with of all sorts, even your own family are not safe, Like accusing your own Nephew of murdering his father.

And PLEASE stop hiding behind God & Jesus, pretending to be religious does not give you a free for all card to say and do whatever you damn like and put peoples life’s in danger from any other mentally disturbed individuals who may stumble across your delusional little page. There is absolutely nothing godly about your abhorrent, twisted behavior.

Anyone with 2 eyes in their head and 2 braincells in their skull to rub together going to your page can see that you are clearly suffering from severe psychiatric issues, the whole page is just one massive contradiction, you fail on every level to keep your never ending stream of lies straight.

This is what happens when you lie Vetta, you have to remember your lies, your stories change by the hour, and your screenshots, which you keep referring to as your "evidence" is only evidence of your severe psychiatric issues. There is ZERO evidence on your page just a jumble of crazy nonsensical drivel.

You also accuse Dean & Lisa of creating a twitter page about you that was created in 2019 - as per your own screenshots (RDM had no clue this page even existed until YOU posted about it) this doesn't make any sense Vetta, Real Deal Media did not exist until March 2020 and we had no idea you even existed back in 2019, yet you are posting all over the internet that we are doing this.


Honestly, we can understand why your behavior towards people would cause them to create accounts to warn others about you, like this person on twitter has obviously done, because your behavior towards us OVER NOTHING is nothing short of psychotic at this point - but we are not time travelers Vetta, we cannot go back in time and create social media accounts about you, this is probably one of the past victims of your craziness.

Nor are we Psychic and somehow miraculously foretold your delusional entrance into our lives. We cannot even begin to fathom how many victims you have left in your wake over the years.

All the while you have been creating fake account after fake account telling people that you are the one being stalked when it is in fact YOU who is the stalker.

Who was stalking you in 2016 Vetta - are you going to blame us for that too???

The screenshots of conversations you are allegedly having with other people like this Eliza Brown character, (whom at this stage it is highly suspected that is probably you) are blatantly you having conversations with your damn self, if it was not for the massive diatribes with no use of paragraphs giving you away its the fact that you are miraculously managing to take screenshots of posts half an hour before they have even been posted.

32 MINUTES FROM NOW VETTA? How is this even possible?

You only managed to see these posts 29 minutes before they were posted, you are slacking there Vetta, you did 3 minutes better on the previous ones when screenshotting your own sock puppet accounts scheduled posts.

The Facebook page - Vetta Thompson the Stalker - which again NOBODY knew existed until you began posting about it, we now strongly believe is your own creation, posting these weird things about yourself in order to validate your accusations against us, is it a coincidence that this page was created on the EXACT same day that you created your other page April 21st? - and the only reason that anyone has laid eyes on it is because you posted about it on your Real Deal Media Hate page.

But lets stop for a moment and discuss some of the content of those messages you are sending to yourself Vetta ...

We are doing absolutely nothing to you, you are the one who has dedicated your entire life and every waking hour to making up all sorts of weird delusional twisted things about us.

Your "Kid" is 19 years old so stop making out like we are victimizing a toddler, the only person who ever put that child in danger was the woman who kidnapped him.

We have not paid anyone to come after you, Yes, we have contacted the authorities about you because you are stalking us and putting our lives in danger with your delusions and we are not going to apologize for that, but we nor anyone else will not waste a single penny on you. BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH.

And again here, you are using your sock puppet to blame Dean Ryan for a twitter account about you created in 2019 (at this stage its not too far of a stretch of the imagination to believe that you created this twitter account yourself for attention, and to play victim, because you obviously created the Facebook page about yourself being a stalker to blame us because by your own admission that's being ran by this Eliza Brown person whom it is now blatantly obvious is YOU)

Which is it by the way Vetta? one minute we are so poor that you are allegedly sending us all this money for food and transport (which was all donations you chose to make last spring as a viewer on a Dares for Dean show to get us to do Dares - we did not force you or anyone to do that) and the next minute we have money to waste by employing people to stalk a stalker? Make your mind up Vetta, honestly if this wasn't so crazy it would be comical.

The only tiny grains of truth in anything you have said about us is YES we did contact the authorities, because that's how the world works Vetta, when someone breaks the law the victim typically contacts the authorities about the perpetrator - in this case you. You should by now be blatantly aware of that judging by your vast criminal history.

Also it was true that Lisa publicly called you a crazy twat - which you labelled as vile, As an ex viewer/current stalker you should be aware that Lisa calls everyone a twat, honestly you are lucky that was all she called you because after the way you have behaved you deserved far worse, but for you to label that vile when you are talking to yourself via your fake Eliza Brown account and claiming to be an Escort who Dean paid to piss on!! Seriously Vetta?? What The hell even is that? you have a nerve calling anyone vile, what sort of sick twisted reality must one live in to even think that way and make up such disgusting things?

Know this Vetta - There is a criminal investigation into your online illegal activities, and if it does not cease there will also be civil proceedings filed against you - We once again give you an opportunity to CEASE and DESIST all of these heinous false accusations about us and remove your public pages, private groups & disgusting posts.

Failure to do so will result in the full force of the law coming down on you. that is not a threat Vetta, that is a promise.

Seriously go and get a life and get the hell out of all of ours.

Finally please stop private messaging and harassing our loyal viewers en-mass and then sharing their profiles all over your page and calling them stalkers and accusing them of crazy, vile disgusting things simply because they ignore you and do not pander to your delusions.

This is unacceptable, these people do not know you and do not give a damn about you, to date you have posted dozens of profile pictures and names of people you accuse of stalking you, its absolute insanity stop it. Nobody is stalking you except one of your multiple personalities, nobody else cares enough to even respond to you - let alone anything else, they all think you are a total lunatic but that's as far as it goes.

Whilst your life might be completely devoid of purpose giving you nothing better to do than sit on social media all day and night being a vindictive vile stalker, other people actually have real lives, jobs, families (that they have not alienated by accusing them of disgusting things) and actual moral compasses which mean they are not going to waste one iota of their time on you Vetta, that goes for everyone involved in RDM and its viewers.

In fact we have already wasted far too much of our day writing this letter, and its ridiculous that we even have to sit here and do this but your relentless vendetta and disgusting accusations show there are no lengths you are not willing to go to here and enough is enough.

To finish we will leave you with this, remember the next time you log onto one of your many groups, pages and sock puppet accounts Vetta, that we have a very large and loyal fanbase who are watching (not stalking before you take that out of all context, they are following the pages & groups and it appears in their feeds - this is not stalking) the authorities are also watching as well - and EVERY slanderous vile word you post only strengthens the criminal cases against you, and we have it ALL, as do the relevant authorities.

RDM Staff

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